How to use a div as content for Twitter’s Popover?
Twitter’s Popover is a bootstrap component somewhat similar to tool-tip where the highlighting difference is that it is triggered whenever the user clicks on the specified selector. Before we use <div> as the content inside the popover, let us have a look on DOM structure of the popover:...
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Two most misunderstood terms GET and POST in web development
If you have done any kind of web development then you must have come across these two terms GET & POST. These terms are introduced with respect to the form tag. The explanation was like this:...
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How to specify the order of classes in CSS ?
When there are rules conflicting to each other been applied to a given element, it gets pretty complicated to determine which rule will actually get applied. The order in which the attributes are overwritten is determined by where they appear in the CSS, not by the order the classes are defined in the class attribute, i.e. the styling which is defined at the end of the CSS class will be the one to be applied. Thus, if two declarations have the same weight, origin, and specificity, the latter specified wins....
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ES6 | Modules
Modules in JavaScript helps to modularize the code by partitioning the entire code into various modules which can be imported from anywhere and thus used. It makes it easy to reuse a piece of code, maintain code and debug code. Also, it prevents many problems linked with using global variables and functions. Earlier the modules were implemented through various external libraries and frameworks but with ECMAScript2015, it was made an implicit part of the JavaScript constructs....
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Sending SMS using NEXMO API in Node.js
Introduction: SMS is a common method of sending short messages between cell phones, but these SMS can be sent using API in Node.js. Now there are lots of API in the market for sending SMS like Twilio, Exotel, etc to the user but the popular among them is Nexmo....
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Rotate a polygon by given degrees in p5.js
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HTTP headers | Public-Key-Pins
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. It was deprecated by the Google Chrome team in 2017 because of its complexity and side-effects. Google recommends using the Expect-CT as a better alternative. It had been removed from 90% of the web browsers but some browsers still support it only for compatibility purposes....
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Messaging Via Azure Service bus | SendMessage and ScheduleMessage
In this section, we are going to discuss in brief about the data transfer methods to transfer data across Azure topics via service bus pooling. We can either send a normal message or a schedule based message. We will walk through each of these two basic type of messaging....
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How to handle multiple numeric datasets for calculation using JavaScript ?
Let’s we have given a dataset consists of multiple numeric values, the task is to use that dataset for some calculations. So, we will be creating dictionary like data structure using array of objects. We will discuss how some JavaScript methods can be used to handle this type of data. To handle multiple numeric datasets for calculation we can use JavaScript filter() function and find() function....
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Python program to find GSoC organisations that use a Particular Programming Language
Currently, it’s not possible to sort GSoC participating organizations by the programming languages they use in their code. This results in students spending a lot of time going through each organization’s page and manually sorting through them....
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How to turn on/off form autocompletion in HTML ?
All the browsers by default remember information that the user submits through fields on websites. It enables the browser to offer auto-completion. This feature is usually enabled by default, but it can be a privacy concern for users, so browsers can let users disable them. But it is essential to know that if you want to create a website where you are getting information about the user’s name, age, and email_id, etc that is by the browsers by default. If you disable the autocomplete in your site then you are breaking the rules. It is illegal to set autocomplete=”off”. The autocomplete is set to off maybe secure for the user but it is against the rules.But for the testing and knowledge to disable auto-completion in forms, you can set the autocomplete attribute to “off”:...
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Microsoft Interview Experience | Off-Campus for SDE Internship
I applied to Microsoft through one test 2019 about which I was informed by our college TPO for Internship as a software development engineer. All of the candidates who applied were invited for an online coding test on mettle platform. Online Coding Round:-...
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